Category Archives: Events





Abram Woodland & Wildlife conservation Group would like to invite you to a small mammal survey on Sunday 13 September 2015, 7.30am start. Over the weekend traps will be laid in the hope of capturing many small mammals. This will be the group’s third SMS in two years, the previous two survey’s have proved the presence of mice, voles and shrew on our site. Survey objective is to ascertain continued presence of the various species, and whether or not our conservation management techniques are working. The traps will be opened Sunday morning and results observed. Following this will be a family fun orienteering course. CRACKING WAY TO SPEND SUNDAY MORNING.


ABRAM Village Fete

May of this year, saw the first village fete held next to the historic site of Abram Morris dancing ground on Park Lane, in well over a hundred years. The event was organized by our group, with the aim of introducing the ourselves to the wider community of Abram and surrounding towns and villages. The day went well and the weather was very favourable, making the nature trail hunt, exhibits and demonstrations, fun for all. Visitor numbers, approximately 85, was a good showing for first village fete.

Exhibitors  11258376_10206847813656708_2661933949175635249_n

Morris men taking a break  11011803_10206847810936640_1078958124023616774_n


Chainsaw carving demonstrations



We hope to hold similar events in the coming months.

Winter (Christmas) Bird Survey

What a fabulous walk this turned out to be, eight of us turned up. Not bad considering it was five days before Christmas. It was led, again, partly by me and Steve Atkins of GMEU. Steve thought we could practice the 1 KM transect survey method. The birds spotted on site were as expected, mainly, natives. However, there were quite a few surprises, flocks of Redwing showing all morning, Bullfinch making an appearance and Greenfinch (not seen on site for many a year). Fantastic five hours of bird watching fun.. Survey details posted at later date.

Autumn Bird Survey

Another wonderful day of on-site bird surveying and a delightful identification workshop to finish the event. Full report and maps to follow, once Rodis is back on-line and working properly!
Special sightings were; Willow tit, Chiffchaff, Goldcrest and flock of longtailed tits. We also heard a Treecreeper, awesome!!

Birdsong ID Workshop

What a fantastic morning we had. The workshop led by Steve Atkins of the Greater Manchester Ecology Unit, proved to be extremely productive. Maypole wood is Home to: Blackcap, Lesser Redpoll, Whitethroat, Greater spotted woodpecker and Goldcrest. We heard and observed other birds, insects and botanicals. Full report will be posted when all recorded data is received back from the GMEU.

Butterfly catching

A diary note:

My daughter and I went for a butterfly hunt for a couple of hours this afternoon in Maypole wood. Cracking little adventure, we caught Hedge browns, Meadow browns, a Green veined White, plenty of day moths and four Red Admirals. We didn’t actually catch the ‘Admirals,’ far too quick. So, we just stood still and watched them flutter and glide around us, much to my daughters amusement. For a fleeting moment, the ‘Admiral’ landed on her net.  She instantly giggled and later commented how ‘cool’ that had been…
